Introduction to The Acts of the Apostles
2 – April 25, 2024)
A. Historical Events in the Acts of the Apostles
1. The Community Gathers in Jerusalem (Acts 1:1-8:3)
a. A Mission Command (Acts 1:1-9)
b. A Foretaste of God’s Reign (Acts
c. God’s Word is Boldly Preached in
Word and Deed (Acts 3:1-4:37)
d. Internal and External Struggles in
the Young Community of Believers (Acts 5:1-42)
e. Stephen’s Call as Deacon, Brave
Speech, and Death (Acts 6:1-8:3)
2. Witness to the Gospel
Extends into Samaria (Acts 8:4-40)
3. Saul, Soon to Be Known
as Paul, Is Called to Witness (Acts 9:1-31)
4. Witness to the
Gentiles and Calling to the Larger World (Acts 9:32-15:35)
a. Creating a New Community of Jewish
and Gentile Believers (Acts 9:32-11:18)
b. The Church Grows in Antioch (Acts
c. King Herod: Persecutor and
Blasphemer (Acts 12:1-25)
d. Barnabas and Paul Travel to New
Places (Acts 13:1-14:28)
e. The First Great Council (Acts
5. Paul’s Witness in
Cities around the Aegean Sea (Acts 15:36-21:16)
a. Paul Visits Syria and Cilicia with
Silas (Acts 15:36-41)
b. Paul and Silas in Philippi (Acts
c. Paul and Silas in Thessalonica and
Athens (Acts 17:1-33)
d. Paul in Corinth and Ephesus (Acts
e. Paul Sets Sail for Jerusalem (Acts
6. Paul’s Witness in
Jerusalem (Acts 21:17-23:30)
7. Paul’s Witness to
Gentiles and Kings (Acts 23:31-26:32)
8. Paul’s Journey to Rome
(Acts 27:1-28:31)
B. The Ministry of Peter
– Acts 1:1-12:25
1. Peter's First Sermon – Acts
2. Peter's Post-Pentecost Ministry –
Acts 3:1-4:37
3. Persecution of Peter and the
Apostles – Acts 5:1-42
4. Persecution of the Church I – Acts
5. Persecution of the Church II –
Acts 8:1-9:43
6. Peter Preaches to the Gentiles –
Acts 10:1-12:25
C. Ministry of Paul
– Conversion around 35, then a stay in Nabatean Arabia. About 35/38, first
journey to Jerusalem. Activity in Syria, Cilicia. Antioch. About 48, the
Apostolic Council. Stay in Corinth: winter 49/50 – summer 51. Journey to
Antioch via Caesarea. Early 52, through Asia Minor to Ephesus, thence in 54 to
Macedonia. Winter 54/55: three months in Corinth. Pentecost 55 in Jerusalem.
Arrest. Transfer to Caesarea. Late summer 55, departure for Rome. Malta. Early
56, arrival in Rome. End of Acts – 58.
E. Important Terminology
Apostle (literally
“one sent”) a missionary, “commissioned representative” Acts 14.14
(Messianist): follower of Joshua/Jesus “the Messiah” First used in Acts 11.26
(Gk “diakonein” meaning “to serve)” (Acts 6.2)
Epicureanism: (Epicurus)
sensualism, (treat everything equally, despite social pressures)
Hellenists (or
“Greeks,” in contrast with “Hebrews”) saw no need to retain the Hebrew
language, but rather spoke Greek - also are undefined in Acts 6.1; open to
adopting the customs of their non-Jewish neighbors.
Heresy: derived
from the Greek word for “sub-group” or “sect”; in early Christian circles it
came to designate objectionable ideas and/or groups within “Christianity”
Martyr: (Gk
“martus” - “a witness”) “witness” despite the threat of death (a ‘blood
Christian subgroup apparently observed traditional Jewish-Pharisaic law (Acts
Gentile (Gk
“ethnos” -- a person “from the nations”): one who is not Jewish
Salvation (“healing”;
“liberation” etc.): acceptance by God
E. The Role of the Holy
Spirit in the Act of the Apostles
The first two chapters of Acts present - the Holy Spirit
- Pentecost
in 30AD is such a monumental day for the church
- Peter
gave the first sermon to church guided by the Holy Spirit: Jesus words fulfilled
(Mt 10:20)
- Covered
externally with the Spirit like prophets but also live within them as was in
Jesus; the growing forces - systematic expansion, from Jerusalem to the
majority of the Roman world
- HS is both the
wind and the fire, the ship and the sea and he is the road and the horse
- HS inspires the
preaching, proves the validity of the words illuminating hearers, resulting in
- HS not only
provides words but also the faith and boldness to proclaim them, as with
- HS sent people
to specific places like Samaria, Macedonia, Asia
- Paul gained the
attention of Sergius Paullus by the blinding of the sorcerer (13:6-17) Bar-Jesus
- Peter saw the
region of Joppa open up because of the resurrection of Tabitha (Acts 9:36-43)
- After Pentecost, Peter and John saw the
crippled healed (Acts. 3:1-9)
Philip performed wonders in Samaria beyond the ability of the famous Elymas (Acts
8:5-40) Because of Philip an entire region outside of Judea received the gospel
where the HS led him
The unity of activity toward the special
function of each member of the Trinity: the executive is the Father, the
architect is the Son, and the contractor is the Holy Spirit.
First, the HS provided inspiration,
illumination, recollection, and revelation to the believers so they could preach
the gospel and argue from the scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah.
Secondly, the HS would confirm the words
through healings, miracles a,nd prophetic insights. Thirdly, the HS acted as the
confirmation sign that a person was a believer in Christ.
Lastly, the HS acted as a living blueprint
for how the Kingdom of God was to expand and the local church could be
F. 1831 CCC:
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel,
fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. 1832 CCC: The twelve
fruits of the Spirit are "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control,