He Made Waters Holy for our Purification
40:1-5,9-11; Tit 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16,21-22 (Baptism of the Lord – C)
“Behold the Lamb of God. Behold him who takes away the
sins of the world” (Divine Office)
we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The baptism of Jesus is
reported in three Synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The Baptism of
Jesus is a manifestation of God in Jesus, another “epiphany.” In Luke’s Gospel, all three members of the
Trinity are manifested: God the Father in the voice, the Holy Spirit
descending, and Jesus the Son in the river Jordan.
Why did
the Son of God desire to be baptized in the rivers of Jordan? Does the water
purify the holy people or does the most holy purify the waters to purify the
others? John the Baptist tried to stop Jesus from being baptized by him saying,
“I need to be baptized by You. Do You come to me? Jesus told him, “Let it be
done now” (Mt 3:14-15). St Maximus of Turin understands it well. He says that Christ
is baptized, not to be made holy by the waters of Jordan, but to make the water
holy to purify the waters which he touched. When the Savior is washed, all
water for our baptism is made clean, and purified at its source for dispensing baptismal
grace to the people of future ages.
column of fire went before the sons of Israel through the Red Sea so they could
follow on their brave journey. In the same way, the column went first through
the waters to prepare a path for those who follow Jesus through the waters of
Baptism. At the time of the Exodus, the column provided light for the people. Now
it gives light to the hearts of believers in Baptism. We are children of Adam and Eve and
once again made children of God through Baptism. Baptism is the beginning of a
lifelong call.
The Baptized
Jesus is ever ready to renew and refashion us in his likeness through the gift
and working of the Holy Spirit - and he anoints us for a mission as missionaries
of his kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy (Rom 14:17). We are called to
be the “light and salt” of his kingdom that radiate the beauty and aroma of his
mercy and goodness to those around us (Mt 5:13,15-16). The Lord Jesus wants his
love and truth to shine through us so that many others may find new life,
freedom, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Gregory of Nazianzus, an early church Father
tells us: “Let us be buried with Christ by Baptism to rise with him; let us go
down with him to be raised with him; and let us rise with him to be glorified
with him.”
committed Christian ascertains the effects of an action upon our sharing in the
Life of Christ. We are spiritualized. We
are sons and daughters of God. We have
dignity, the dignity of the One about whom the voice from heaven said at his Baptism,
“This is my son, my beloved, in whom I am well pleased.”
“This is God’s dwelling place among men. He shall live
with them” (Divine Office)
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