AletheiAnveshana: Brethren in His Kinship Gen 3:9–15 2; 2 Cor 4:13—5:1; Mk 3:20–35 (B 10)

Saturday 8 June 2024

Brethren in His Kinship Gen 3:9–15 2; 2 Cor 4:13—5:1; Mk 3:20–35 (B 10)

Brethren in His Kinship

Gen 3:9–15 2; 2 Cor 4:13—5:1; Mk 3:20–35 (B 10)

In you is the source of life; we drink from the stream of your goodness (DO)

The evangelist Mark brings Jesus’ family into the picture. Jesus loved and respected his mother and relatives. His love was unquestionable for them. His mother and relatives wanted to see Jesus one day. And the evangelist Markan text seems to be presenting Jesus as if ignoring his mother when she and her relatives wanted to see him. There is an essential meaning in this type of presentation. Jesus focuses on the family that is not based on blood relation. He lays down the conditions for his true kinship. His kinship is not solely a matter of flesh and blood but very spiritual. Earthly relationships were admitted and honored by Jesus. God never intend us to be alone rather desire us to be in family. He helps us to develop relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Int this way, through today’s Gospel reading, Jesus sets a lesson and truth about the true kinship in the kingdom of God.

In the kingdom of God, we are all his children. Jesus, in his glory, calls us his brethren. Jesus helps us to do his Father's will. He teaches us to be true followers. His teaching is certainly more than doctrine, precepts, and commandments. It is first and foremost a relationship - a relationship of trust, affection, commitment, loyalty, faithfulness, kindness, compassion, mercy, helpfulness, encouragement, support, strength, protection that bind us all together in mutual love and unity. Further, his teaching nurtures the union of heart, mind, and spirit within each individual disciple (1 John 4:8,16).

Jesus teaches us the devotion of the heart, expressed in the active service. Obedience proceeds from hearty confidence and sincere love. We are made to act in his righteous kingdom, and it helps us to carry out the Divine commands in life. It is the privilege of the Christian voluntarily to fulfil the Divine will. Mother Mary obeyed the divine will to save the mankind. And Jesus sees her as the best example in cooperating to the divine plan of God. By telling “Whoever does the will of God is my brother, and sister, and mother” (Mk 3:35), Jesus tells us to be like his mother to do the will of God from the heart.

Hence, we believe and say that Jesus did not disrespect his own faithful mother who faithfully heard the Word of God and gave her total obedience to him. Jesus emphasizes that those who believe in him and do the will of God will also become his brother and sister and mother of his family. This is his true kinship. What are we the kinship of God, expected in his kingdom? God is patient and full of love, and he wants us all to come back to Him, repenting from all of our sins. Jesus Himself had truly emptied himself of all glory and embraced all of us with his most perfect and selfless love. We are called to empty all our pessimistic ideas and approaches towards our brethren that makes us uncomfortable. Through His Most Sacred Heart, pierced and wounded for us, we are reminded of every single wound that we ourselves have caused upon the Lord who has loved us all so selflessly and tenderly.

 Let us all then, in the best example of Mother Mary, renew our commitment to the Lord and his word. By recalling his love for us and remembering everything that he has done for us, let us continue to place our trust and give our total obedience to the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Receiving his divine grace let us do our best to augment our respect and dignity to the lives of fellow brethren in the true kinship of Jesus – the kingdom of God, here on earth.

 “This blood, which flowed from its source in the secret recesses of his heart, gave the sacraments of the Church power to confer the life of grace…”




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