AletheiAnveshana: A Call To Audit The Gifts Received (Matthew 21:33-43)

Thursday 19 October 2023

A Call To Audit The Gifts Received (Matthew 21:33-43)

 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Is 5:1-7: Phil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43

October 8, 2023


Today's Gospel follows directly the last Sunday's Gospel about the two sons. Through the parable of two sons he addressed the wickedness of the elders and chief priests of the temple. Jesus once again speaks to the priests and elders with another parable. He urges them to listen him and believe that he is the only begotten son of God and that he comes from God. In today’s parable we have some questions like, who is the landowner? What is the vineyard? Who are the tenants? Who are the servants to collect the portion of the harvest? Finally, who is the son of the landowner to collect his rent? 

In telling this parable, Jesus is clearly drawing upon Isaiah 5:1-7, which is today's first reading. Jesus doesn't, therefore, have to explain the symbolism of the parable. The vineyard represents faithful or the kingdom of God, the landowner represents God himself, the servants represent the prophets, and the bad tenants represent the religious leaders. Yet Jesus nonetheless explains the meaning of the parable for his audience. The Kingdom of God will be taken away from the unbelieving chief priests and elders because they did not believe in Jesus as the only son of God and Messiah. That’s why it is given to the faithful who sincerely believe in Jesus as the only begotten son of God. 

Clearly this Gospel shows the tension that was mounting between Jesus and his audience like the religious leaders and unbelieving pharisees. Because they thought that no one could claim to be the son of God. that’s why Jesus’ message was dangerous and bringing conflicts and tensions in the temple.

We are born of God and became adopted sons and daughter of God in Christ Jesus. Jesus taught us to call God Abba Father! Do we really believe in this? This Gospel reminds us of the importance of listening to Jesus’ word First. Secondly, We become tenants or custodians of many things in our Baptismal life. We have taken so many gifts from God like that of family, children, office responsibilities. God through his Son Jesus asks all of us to audit and submit the account. We need to be ready. Today he demands for the submission of the account of the gifts we received from him. He demands all of us through the Holy Mother Church and her custodians. Are we ready to audit our transparency in Christian Baptismal life? 

If we are able to do it be thankful to God. If not, let us not mask ourselves. Come closer to him. He will ease our burden and bless us to be more useful and trustworthy tenant or custodian in his vineyard, the kingdom of God.

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