AletheiAnveshana: Different Forms of Decisions in the Process of Vocation Development

Monday 3 January 2022

Different Forms of Decisions in the Process of Vocation Development

The Accompaniment in the Choice/

Selection of the State of Life


1. The life as Vocation

  • Usually, vocation is referred only to priestly, religious
  • But today, is attributed to all walks of life
  • “Calls into existence the things that do not exist” Rom. 4:17.
  • To be human is not only to have one vocation but it, itself is a vocation
  • Called to be mature and perfect the gift of life, hence
  • Invited to come out of “oneself” to realize the encounter with other and participate well new world.
  • Live the life as gifted by God and as son of God
  • GS. 19: “The root reason for human dignity lies in man's call to communion with God. From the very circumstance of his origin man is already invited to converse with God”.
  • As educators in the faith, must see to it either by themselves or through others that the faithful are led individually in the Holy Spirit to a development of their own vocation according to the Gospel, to a sincere and practical charity, and to that freedom with which Christ has made us free. PO 6.
  • Priestly, religious are to the sanctity – evangelical and ecclesial mission
  • Various, specially: Lay, Clerical, and Consecrated life

2. Origin of the Development of the Vocation

  • In every vocation there is progressive process
  • Vague
  • Little clear
  • More clear
  • Fortified
  • But never lack difficulties,
  • Takes up more stability

3. Option for the Vocation

  • Today choice/option is difficult


  • Decision does not come isolated but long interior psychological maturity
  • It depends and differs person to person
  • There are four (4) kinds of decisions

1. Growing Decision

  • Develops through mediation of maturing interior ideals
  • Years in progression
  • Investigate the conscience about situation till
  • Maturity of the judgment
  • Fully realize the sufficient evidence
  • Needs internal potentiality of the growth
  • But it needs time to develop and guide towards action

2. Calculated Decision – Rational or Pondered

  • Comes out of insecurity and uncertainty
  • Knows “where to go” but still searches for different possibilities for better option
  • Ex:   A youth wants to serve the world but does not know which direction to take up
  • Marriage or missionary

3. Daring Decision – intuitive or improvised

  • Does not make any investigation with conscience but sudden decision
  • Does not investigate any factors or possibilities but follows intuition
  • No twice think – emotional reaction
  • Cannot construct a valid behavior for a definite option
  • Can create problems, doubts
  • Possibility for another intuition giving up the old

4. Delayed Decision

  • Proper of individuals with uncertainties, not sure of
  • Perhaps little generous
  • Reveal – lack of task for an option grievous
  • Lack of “willing” to take up decision makes can earn many opportunities
  • Continue to postpone the time for option for certain information
  • Uncertainty comes from the fear of engagement too
  • Easily get finished in a conflict
  • However, it is too heavy to delay


  • Daring and Delayed Decisions are too dangerous
  • Growing and Calculated decision are recommended and promoted
  • However, four are important to know the stage and maturing decision in the “plan of life”.

According to the Project of God:

  • “You did not choose me but I chose you” Jn 15:16
  • Vocation from the part of God is an act of H.Sp. as an interior voice
  • “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Cor 12:7)
  • The signs of the Divine appeal in rare direct revelation – true but got to be constructed by the other vocational discernments.


In this chart there are sixty incomplete phrases. Read only once and write the very first idea that comes to your mind. Work as fast as mind. If you cannot complete the sentence mark the corresponding number and try when all finished.

  1. I have an impression that my father rarely…………………….…………………..
  2. When each thing goes against me…………………………………………………
  3. I always willed………………………………………………………….…….....
  4. If I had authority……………………………………………………….............
  5. It seems to have happened to me………………………………………………….
  6. My superiors……………………………………………………………………..
  7. I know that is shock, above all I have fear of……………………………………...
  8. I have an impression that one sincere friend………………………………………
  9. When I was a child……………………………………………………………...
  10. My idea of lady perfect……………………………………………………………
  11. When I see a man or lady together…………………………………………………...
  12. Comparing different families my family………………………………..…………..
  13. During work I find better with………………………………………….………….
  14. My mother……………………………………………………………………..…
  15. I do something to forget that I ……………………………………………………
  16. If only my father wanted…………………………………………………………….
  17. I believe to have the capacity of……………………………………………………….
  18. I could have been perfectly happy if…………………………………………………
  19. If some persons work for me…………………………………………………………
  20. Aspect with anxiety……………………………………………………………….
  21. At class my professors…………………………………………………………
  22. Major part of my friends ignores that I have fear of………………….……….
  23. I do not like persons that………………………………………………………....
  24. Some year back, I………………………………………………………..………..
  25. I think most of the young……………………………………………………………
  26. My impression on the conjugal life is…………………………………………..…..
  27. My family treats me as……………………………………………………………….
  28. The persons with work…………………………………………………………….
  29. My mother and I…………………………………………………………………..
  30. My greatest error was……………………………………………………………....
  31. I would like that my father………………………………………………………...
  32. My greatest weakness is……………………………………………………………
  33. The secret ambition of my life is…………………………………………………..
  34. The persons that work for me……………………………………………………...
  35. One day will come on which I ……………………………………………………
  36. When I see my superior coming……………………………………………….…..
  37. I would like to give up the fear of…………………………………………….……
  38. The persons that I prefer……………………………………………………….…..
  39. If I were to be still child……………………………………………………………..
  40. I believe the major part of the ladies……………………………………….………
  41. If I have sexual relationship………………………………………………….…….
  42. Major part of the families that I know………………………………….………….
  43. I like to work with the persons that …………………………………………………
  44. I think that the major part of the mothers……………………………………….
  45. When I was young, I was feeling guilty of………….……………………………..
  46. I have an impression that my father could …….………………………………..
  47. When fortunate turn against me………………..…………………………………...
  48. That the life that I want is…………………………….…………………………….
  49. In giving to the other I …………………………………………………………….
  50. When I will be more senior………………………………………………………..
  51. Persons that I consider my superiors………….……………………………………
  52. My fears, at times, oblige me to……………….……………………………………..
  53. When I am not present, my friends……….………………………………………..
  54. The most memorable event in my life……………………………………………..
  55. That I like less in the women………………………………………………………...
  56. My sexual life……………………………….……………………………………...
  57. When I was child my family……………….………………………………………
  58. Persons that work with me usually……….………………………………………...
  59. I love my mother but………………………………………………………………
  60. The heaviest thing that I should not have done….……………………………


The phrases are divided schematically in 4 sects and in 15 behaviors to which 4 items or phrases do correspond.

The group of 15 of every one of analyzed attitudes and brought under, to indicate the general impressions on the continued significative of the responses of the subject and on the grade of its eventual conflict according the following classification:

  1. Attitude towards the father ………….……………………….( )
  2. Attitude towards proper resources…….…………..……...( )
  3. Ideal of life ………………………………………………....( )
  4. Attitude towards the inferiors ………….…………………….( )
  5. Attitude towards the future……………….…………..........( )
  6. Attitude towards the superiors …………….………………..( )
  7. Fears ………………………….……………………………..( )
  8. Attitude towards friends…………………….……................( )
  9. Attitude towards the past…………………….………...........( )
  10. Attitude towards women …………………….………..........( )
  11. Attitude towards hetero sexual relations…….………….( )
  12. Attitude towards family ……………….……………………( )
  13. Attitude towards classmates of the work and study….…( )
  14. Attitude towards Mother…………………………………..( )
  15. Guilty of the senses………………………………………...( )


2: Very disturbed, such request the therapeutic help for emotional problems in this area.

1: moderately disturbed, for emotional problems that subject can control without the therapeutic help.

0: No disturbance in this area. Subject is in equilibrium and normal

X: Not classifiable, lacks some evidence of the situation.



Group of Behaviors


A) Family



Family Unity

1-6; 31-46



B) Sex


Hetero sexual relation

10-25; 40-55


C) Interpersonal Relations





4-19; 34-49




D) Concept of the Self

Personal Resources

Ideals of Life





2-17; 32-47






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