AletheiAnveshana: Dark Night of the Soul: A Journey of Spiritual Purification by St. John of the Cross

Thursday 30 December 2021

Dark Night of the Soul: A Journey of Spiritual Purification by St. John of the Cross


The poem and treatise "The Dark Night of the Soul" were written by the 16th-century Spanish mystic and poet Saint John of the Cross. John of the Cross was a Carmelite friar who is considered one of the greatest spiritual writers of all time. His writings have been influential for Christians of all denominations, as well as for people of other faiths.

The Dark Night of the Soul is a poem about the spiritual journey of the soul towards God. It describes the experience of spiritual darkness and doubt that many people go through at some point in their lives. John of the Cross teaches that this dark night is a necessary stage in the spiritual journey, and that it can lead to a deeper union with God.

In the Dark Night of the Soul, the individual experiences a profound sense of spiritual loss and abandonment. They may feel like God has deserted them, and they may doubt their faith. The dark night of the soul can be a very difficult experience, but it is also a time of great spiritual growth.

John of the Cross taught that the dark night of the soul is a necessary stage in the spiritual journey. It is a time when the soul is purified and prepared for a deeper union with God. The dark night of the soul can also be a time of great insight and transformation.

John of the Cross's writing on the dark night of the soul has been influential in many different spiritual traditions. It has been used to describe a wide range of experiences, including spiritual crises, periods of doubt and uncertainty, and times of profound loss and grief.

Here is a quote from John of the Cross's poem "Dark Night of the Soul":

> On a dark night,
> Kindled in love with yearnings,
> O happy chance!
> I went forth without being observed,
> My house being now at rest.

This poem describes the speaker's journey into the dark night of the soul. The speaker is drawn by a deep love for God, and they are willing to leave behind everything they know in order to find God.

The dark night of the soul can be a challenging experience, but it is also a time of great spiritual growth. If you are experiencing the dark night of the soul, know that you are not alone. Many people have passed through this experience, and it is possible to emerge from it stronger and more spiritually mature.

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