AletheiAnveshana: 2021

Friday 31 December 2021

The Benefits of Healthy Relationships


Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. It is the belief that your partner is reliable, honest, and has your best interests at heart. When you trust your partner, you feel safe and secure in the relationship.

There are many benefits to having a trusting relationship. Trust allows you to be open and vulnerable with your partner, to share your deepest thoughts and feelings, and to rely on them for support. Trust also allows you to give your partner the freedom to be themselves and to grow as individuals.

There are many benefits to having trust in a relationship. Trust can help to:
  1. Improve communication: When we trust someone, we are more likely to be honest and open with them. This can lead to better communication and understanding in the relationship.
  2. Increase intimacy: Trust is essential for intimacy. When we trust someone, we are able to let down our guard and be vulnerable with them. This can lead to a deeper and more meaningful connection.
  3. Reduce stress: Trust can help to reduce stress in a relationship. When we know that we can rely on our partner and that they have our backs, we don't have to worry about everything on our own. This can lead to a more relaxed and enjoyable relationship.
  4. Boost happiness: Trust can help to boost happiness in a relationship. When we feel loved and supported by our partner, we are more likely to be happy and content.
Here are some ways to build trust in a relationship:
  1. Be honest and open with your partner. This includes being honest about your thoughts, feelings, and needs.
  2. Be reliable and keep your promises. This shows your partner that you can be counted on.
  3. Be respectful of your partner's boundaries. This shows that you value their needs and opinions.
  4. Be supportive of your partner's goals and dreams. This shows that you believe in them and that you want them to succeed.
  5. Be forgiving. Everyone makes mistakes. When your partner makes a mistake, be willing to forgive them and move on.
Building trust takes time and effort, but it is worth it. When you have a trusting relationship, you can enjoy all of the benefits that come with it, such as intimacy, security, and love.

Here are some signs of a trusting relationship:
  1. You feel safe and comfortable being yourself around your partner.
  2. You can be honest and open with your partner about your thoughts, feelings, and needs.
  3. You can rely on your partner to be there for you and to support you.
  4. You feel respected and valued by your partner.
  5. You can forgive your partner when they make mistakes.
If you are in a relationship where you don't trust your partner, it is important to talk to them about it. Trust is essential for a healthy and happy relationship.

Discerning God's Call is A Journey of Purpose and Fulfillment


God's call is the invitation that God extends to each of us to follow him and to live a life of love and service. It is a call to holiness, to become more like Christ in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

God's call is often heard in the still, small voice of our hearts. It may come to us through prayer, through reading the Bible, or through our relationships with others. It may be a specific call to a particular vocation, such as priesthood, religious life, or marriage. Or, it may be a more general call to serve God in our everyday lives.

No matter how God calls us, he always respects our freedom. He does not force us to follow him. But when we do choose to follow him, he promises to be with us every step of the way.

Here are some examples of God's call in the Bible:
  • God called Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a new land. (Genesis 12:1-4)
  • God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. (Exodus 3:1-10)
  • God called Samuel to be a prophet. (1 Samuel 3:1-10)
  • God called David to be king of Israel. (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
  • God called Isaiah to be a prophet. (Isaiah 6:1-8)
  • God called Jeremiah to be a prophet. (Jeremiah 1:1-10)
  • God called Daniel to be a prophet. (Daniel 1:1-7)
  • God called John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. (Luke 1:5-25)
  • God called the disciples to follow Jesus. (Matthew 4:18-22)
  • God called Paul to be a missionary to the Gentiles. (Acts 9:1-19)
These are just a few examples of the many people in the Bible who were called by God to do great things. God calls each of us in our own unique way. He knows our talents and our gifts, and he calls us to use them to serve him and to build his kingdom.

So, how can you discern God's call in your life? Here are a few tips:
  • Spend time in prayer. Prayer is the best way to communicate with God and to discern his will for your life. Ask God to reveal his plan for your life. Be open to his voice and be willing to listen.
  • Read the Bible regularly. The Bible is God's word, and it is full of wisdom and guidance. The Bible is full of stories of people who were called by God. As you read Scripture, pay attention to the passages that speak to you and that challenge you.
  • Talk to a trusted spiritual advisor. A priest, pastor, or religious leader can help you to discern God's call in your life.
  • Be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God's presence within us, and he can guide us in our decision-making.
  • Pay attention to your gifts and talents. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? God may be calling you to use your gifts and talents to serve him and others.
  • Be open to opportunities. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and to try new things. God may be calling you to something that you never expected.
If you are unsure about God's call for your life, don't be afraid to ask him. He is always willing to guide us if we are open to his leading.

Managing the Fear is A Path to Empowerment


Fear is a natural human emotion that is triggered when we perceive a threat to our safety or well-being. It is a complex emotion that can be both positive and negative. On the one hand, fear can help us to avoid danger and protect ourselves from harm. On the other hand, fear can also be debilitating and prevent us from living our lives to the fullest.

There are many different types of fear, including:
  • Phobias: Phobias are irrational fears of specific objects or situations. For example, someone with a phobia of spiders may experience intense fear and anxiety even when they see a spider in a picture or from a distance.
  • Social anxiety: Social anxiety is a fear of social situations and interactions. People with social anxiety may be afraid of being judged, criticized, or embarrassed in front of others.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): GAD is a chronic anxiety disorder characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry about a variety of things. People with GAD may have difficulty concentrating, sleeping, and relaxing.
  • Panic disorder: Panic disorder is characterized by sudden and unexpected panic attacks. Panic attacks are episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, a racing heart, and chest pain.
Fear can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
  • Genetics: Some people are more genetically predisposed to fear than others.
  • Trauma: Traumatic experiences can trigger fear and anxiety. For example, someone who has been in a car accident may develop a fear of driving.
  • Stress: Stress can exacerbate fear and anxiety. When we are stressed, our bodies release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can make us feel more anxious and fearful.
There are a number of things that you can do to manage fear, including:
  • Identify your fears: The first step to managing fear is to identify your specific fears. Once you know what you are afraid of, you can start to develop strategies for coping with your fears.
  • Challenge your negative thoughts: Fear is often accompanied by negative thoughts. For example, someone with a fear of public speaking may think, "I'm going to make a fool of myself." These negative thoughts can make the fear worse. Challenge your negative thoughts by asking yourself if there is any evidence to support them.
  • Expose yourself to your fears gradually: One of the best ways to overcome your fears is to expose yourself to them gradually. For example, if you have a fear of spiders, you could start by looking at pictures of spiders. Once you are comfortable with that, you could try watching a video of a spider. Eventually, you could try being in the same room as a spider.
  • Seek professional help: If you are struggling to manage your fear on your own, there are a number of professional resources available to help you. A therapist can teach you coping skills and strategies for overcoming your fears.
There are a number of things that can be done to manage and overcome fear. These include:
  • Therapy: Therapy can help people to understand their fears and to develop coping mechanisms.
  • Medication: Medication can be used to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and fear disorders.
  • Self-help strategies: There are a number of self-help strategies that can be used to manage fear, such as relaxation techniques, mindfulness, and exposure therapy.
  • Relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation can help to reduce anxiety and fear.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of therapy that can help you to identify and challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs that are contributing to your fear.
  • Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing yourself to the thing or situation that you are afraid of. This can help you to learn that your fear is unfounded and that you can cope with it.
Remember, fear is a normal human emotion. Everyone experiences fear from time to time. However, if your fear is preventing you from living your life, there is help available.

Thursday 30 December 2021

Dark Night of the Soul: A Journey of Spiritual Purification by St. John of the Cross


The poem and treatise "The Dark Night of the Soul" were written by the 16th-century Spanish mystic and poet Saint John of the Cross. John of the Cross was a Carmelite friar who is considered one of the greatest spiritual writers of all time. His writings have been influential for Christians of all denominations, as well as for people of other faiths.

The Dark Night of the Soul is a poem about the spiritual journey of the soul towards God. It describes the experience of spiritual darkness and doubt that many people go through at some point in their lives. John of the Cross teaches that this dark night is a necessary stage in the spiritual journey, and that it can lead to a deeper union with God.

In the Dark Night of the Soul, the individual experiences a profound sense of spiritual loss and abandonment. They may feel like God has deserted them, and they may doubt their faith. The dark night of the soul can be a very difficult experience, but it is also a time of great spiritual growth.

John of the Cross taught that the dark night of the soul is a necessary stage in the spiritual journey. It is a time when the soul is purified and prepared for a deeper union with God. The dark night of the soul can also be a time of great insight and transformation.

John of the Cross's writing on the dark night of the soul has been influential in many different spiritual traditions. It has been used to describe a wide range of experiences, including spiritual crises, periods of doubt and uncertainty, and times of profound loss and grief.

Here is a quote from John of the Cross's poem "Dark Night of the Soul":

> On a dark night,
> Kindled in love with yearnings,
> O happy chance!
> I went forth without being observed,
> My house being now at rest.

This poem describes the speaker's journey into the dark night of the soul. The speaker is drawn by a deep love for God, and they are willing to leave behind everything they know in order to find God.

The dark night of the soul can be a challenging experience, but it is also a time of great spiritual growth. If you are experiencing the dark night of the soul, know that you are not alone. Many people have passed through this experience, and it is possible to emerge from it stronger and more spiritually mature.

Thursday 18 November 2021

A Poem on "The Divine in All Things"

పరమాత్ముడా నీవూ...

(The Divine in All Things)

సుర్యుడివి కావు అగ్ని పర్వతానివి కావు
అగ్గివి కావు మంటవు కావు 
వెలుగువు కావు నిప్పు కణికవు కావు 
వాటిలోని తేజమే నీవు

జలమువు కావు జల ప్రళయమూ కావు
జల ఊటవు  కావు జల నిధివి కావు
చలమువు కావు సెల యేటి నీటివి కావు
నిజం దానిలోని జీవ కణమే నీవు 

గలివి కావు సుడి గలివి కావు 
సంధ్య వాయువు కావు వడి గలివి కావు
పైరు గలివి కావు ఉష్ణ వాయువివి గాకు
ఫ్యాన్ గలివి కావు ఏసీ వాయువు కావు
నిజం వాటిలోని ప్రాణ వాయువే నీవు

భు మివి కావు దాని మీద బురదవివి కావు
ధూళివివి కావు ఇసుక రేణువివి కావు
కొండ వివి కావు రాతివి కావు 
ఫేర్తైల్ ల్యాండ్ వి కావు స్లష్ వి  కావు 
నిజం దానిలోని సారా ని వే నీవు

కనిపించే ఆకాశానివి కావు 
కనిపించని శున్యం కావు
తాకాలనిపించే దగ్గరి వివి కావు 
చేరుకోలేని దూరానివికావు
విడ్త్ అండ్ డెప్త్ వి కావు 
నిజం వాటి భూమికవే నీవు 

రంగు వివి కావు రుచివివి కావు
వాసన స్పర్శవివి కావు 
ధృష్టివివి కావు దానిలోనితేజము కావు 
బిగినింగు టైము వివి కావు ఎండింగు  స్పేసువి కావు
నిజం వాటిలోని ప్రాధాన పదార్ధానివే నీవు

'కరోనా కాలం లోని చావు గాధ' కవిత్వము


(The Mournful Cry of the Pandemic)

వింటున్నావా .......... వింటున్నావా 

కాల గర్భం నింపు కొంటున్న

మట్టి మనిషి గొంతులో 

గరళమైన చావు గాధను 

వింటున్నావా ..........

తండ్రి క్షితిలోకి దూకి 

వదిలించుకున్న ఆ దీన కూతురి మనస్తాపం

కళ్ళెదుటే కూలిపోతున్న తల్లి  శవాన్ని 

భుజాన వేసుకున్న కొడుకు కన్నీటిని

వింటున్నావా ..........

చచ్చిన వారిపై వ్యాపార టోకెన్ల క్యూలు 

పగటి దానాని కొక రేట్టాట 

రాతిరి దానానికి మరొక క రేట్టట

చచ్చినా శవాన్నొదలని కార్పోరేట్ గాధట   

వింటున్నావా ..........

మహమ్మారి దాహార్తికి మరింతెదిగిన డబ్బోళ్ళు

ధనార్తికి అమ్ముడుబోయిన వాక్సినేషన్ అంతరాత్మలు 

నిజం తెలిసినా సత్యాన్ని చంపేసిన అధికారం 

గర్వంలో కరోనా గీటు దాటి యమ పాశాన్నందుకున్నాత్మల కథ 

వింటున్నావా ........... వింటున్నావా...........

'కామన్ మేన్ యొక్క ఆశాభయాలు' కవిత్వము

ఆశా భయాల మధ్య కామన్ మేన్

(Fear and Hope in the Common Man)

"మనిషి సాంకేతిక  జ్ఞానం 

మార్స్  మిద హెలికాప్టర్ ప్రయోగం 

భూ మానవ చరిత్రలో 

అద్భుత దశ మార్స్ రైట్ బ్రదర్స్ విజయం

అయినా నా కామన్ మేన్

నత్త నడక వెరీ కామన్

ఆశా భయాలు నా కామన్ మేన్ వరం 

ఎవరెస్ట్  లా పరపతి ఎదగాలని  ఆశ 

జారి కింద బోర్లా పడతానని భయం

ధన శిఖరం పాకాలని ఆశ 

నీచ అసూయ నాచులో జారుతానని భయం 

అయినా నా కామన్ మేన్ డ్రీం ఫాస్టేస్ట్ రాకెట్

కంపు నజరాన చెట్టంత ఆశాశ్యాం

జీవన బండి కదలదన్న భయం 

మెరుగు సమాజ నిలుపుదల ఆశాశ్యాం

వాటి మధ్య  నా కామన్ మేన్ నిర్వీర్యం 

అయినా ఆశా భయాలు రొటీన్ శస్త్రం తనకు కామన్."

'కరోనా కల్లోలంలో మనిషి' కవిత్వము

చూడరా పరమేశ్వరా..........

(The Man in the Storm of Corona)

చూడరా పరమేశ్వరా..........

నీవు గన్న మనిషిని 

నీ కరోనా విలయ తాండవంలో

ఊపిరాడక  మృత అంగటిలో మసైన మనిషిని..........

చూడరా పరమేశ్వరా..........

నీ కల్ప వికల్ప సంకల్ప లీలల్లో 

బంధమని కట్టేస్తావు 

వైరాగ్యమని  విడదీస్తావు 

కరోనా కల్లోల కల్పనలో గుండె జారిపోవడం..........

చూడరా పరమేశ్వరా..........

బ్రతక మంటావు గుదిబండ మెడకేడ్తావు

గుండె లవిసే  కన్నీటి ఊబిలో 

కల్పిక కరోనాలో బలియై పోయే  నిర్భాగ్యులగతిని..........

చూడరా పరమేశ్వరా..........

తల్లి ఒడిలో ఎదిగిన బిడ్డడు 

తండ్రయ్యాడు భర్తయ్యాడు

బ్రతుకు బండి లాగాడు 

కడన కరోనా కంటికి 

తల్లి ఒడిలోనే నీరయ్యాడు..........

చూడరా పరమేశ్వరా..........

మలి మర్యాదలు నోచుకోలేక 

తనవారి తుది చూపులు గానలేక 

దుర్నీతంధకార  వాంఛ  కల్పనలో 

దీన శవములుగా మారిన 

 నీ కలియుగ కల్పిక మనిషిని చూడరా..........

Saturday 23 October 2021

Affidavits in Marriage Banns and Prenuptial Enquiries


1. Why Affidavit is recommended before the prenuptial enquiry for the Marriage?

In the Prenuptial Enquiry forms published and used in the Telugu Regional Dioceses, we find most important queries like: (1) Date of Birth, (2) whether the present marriage FIRST or SECOND, (3) whether there is proper consent between the proposed candidates for the Sacrament of marriage, (5) whether there is any impediment of consanguinity.  

2. How an Affidavit is helpful for the Parish Priest and the parties in the future?

A Notary Public verifies the date of birth and confirms by his attestation basing on the proof of an ID like SSC/Anganavdi/Aadhar/Hospital. The most validated ID would be SSC mark list and Anganvadi or Hospital. In the same way, he confirms that the present marriage between the partners whether FIRST or SECOND by the oath sworn by the parents of the parties and the partners themselves. In this way the Parish Priest would be freed from the legal burden in the future, in case, a ratified and consummated marriage intends to take legal proceedings.  

3. What is an Affidavit?

An affidavit is a written statement made under oath that is typically used in legal proceedings. When a person swears to be truthful in creating the affidavit, they are called an affidavit. Affidavits are vital part of court proceedings since they provide a written account of the details which can make easier for judges to make decisions.

4. When are Affidavits used?

Affidavits commonly used in: Divorce court, Name change verification, to confirm identity, Residency Verification, confirmation of the legal documents, debt dispute, property disagreement, and etc., However, in some cases, affidavits are voluntary, and they are mandatory.

5. The purpose of an Affidavit

The purpose of an affidavit is to formally legitimize. For an affidavit to be valid, the person who signs it must be personally aware of the facts within the affidavit and they must take an oath that they are 100% honest within the affidavit.

6. Types of Affidavits

The types of Affidavits are mostly of (1) Affidavit of Domicile, (2) Affidavit of Heirship, (3) Affidavit of Marriage, (4) Financial Affidavit.


Canon Law: Notary C. 483

Canon Law calls the Notary public - The Chancellor, Notary or Other Notaries (cc. 482-491)

Notaries: The Chancellor and vice Chancellor are also the notaries and secretaries of the curia.

Canon 482 - § 3. By reason, of being chancellor and vice chancellor they are notaries and secretaries of the curia.

Canon 483 - § 1. Besides the chancellor, other notaries can be appointed whose writings or signature establishes authenticity for any acts, for judicial acts only, or for acts of a certain case or affair only.

                - § 2. (……………)…….. , the notary must be a priest.  And the chancellor need not be a priest as in the 1917 code (CIC 372, §1).


The areas of competence for these notaries should be indicated in their letters of appointment. The general function of an ecclesiastical notary is similar to that of a civil notary or notary public. By the act of signing a document the notary attests to its authenticity. The range and variety of acts and documents that a notary will encounter and authenticate will depend on the nature of the diocese and the position description for the individual. Since the notary’s signature authenticates documents, there must be no hint of dishonesty or taint of suspicion regarding his or her character. Therefore, the chancellor and other notaries are to be people of unimpaired reputation. The chancellor (s), notaries are to maintain the levels of confidentiality required of the position by promise.


Functions of the Notaries

Canon 484 – It is the duty of notaries: 

- to draw up the acts and instruments regarding decrees, dispositions, obligations, or other things
which require their action;

- to record faithfully in writing what has taken place and to sign it with a notation of the place,
day, month, and year;

- having observed what is required, to furnish acts or instruments to one who legitimately
requests them from the records and to declare copies of them to be in conformity with the original.

Canon 485 – The chancellor and other notaries can be freely removed from office by the diocesan bishop, but not by a diocesan administrator except with the consent of the college of the consultors.


1. What is to be keenly observed when an affidavit is submitted by a Notary public before a Parish Priest goes for Prenuptial enquiry through the marriage banns?

Address of the Notary                                                  

I, Mr/Mrs………………Advocate and Notary, hereby certify that on this day of the date……… this month of……..20…., the above signatories appeared before me and admitted that the facts stated above are true and correct. And they signed this document of affidavit in front of me.

Present Notarial Registry Ref:

Notarial Present Action Number and Date:

Notary Registration and Validity Date:

Area of Practice or If extension of Practice (CCG):

Signature of the Notary and Advocate

          Notarial Seal


NOTE: Infront of the name of the woman there should be husband’s family name and there should be her father’s family name in the ( ) bracket followed by her name. (2) All the papers, along with main STAMP paper, should be affirmed by the NOTARIAL seal and SIGNATURE of the NOTARY.

The Role and Responsibilities of Notaries in India: The Notaries Act, 1952

Central Government Act: The Notaries Act, 1952

1. What is Notary?

- A notary, also called a notary public, is a person authorize to witness the signing of legal documents. A notary verifies and witness the Legal documents.

- Appointment and Salary (section 3) Section 3 gives power to CG and SG to appoint Notaries

- For the whole of India or part of India, and whole of state or part of the state.

- A Notary is appointed by the Government authority when a lawyer is of 10 years of membership in the legal service of central or Judicial service. And it the term varies for SC/ST/Woman.

- A procedure is followed in appointing a Notary for a period of less than 5 years.

- Notaries do not obtain salaries but earn income by charging fees for services rendered.

2. What are the Functions of a Notary (Section 8)?

- To verify the authenticity of legal documents and create a trustworthy environment to an agreement between parties, approving the original signatures from the parties as well as photo identification of the signatories.

- Record the identification and agreement. 

- Maintains the journal.

- Bearing witness to the Government on behalf of the client. 

- A Notary awards a notarial certificate and appends the seal of the notary on the document.

3. What is Area of Practice and Extension of Area of Practice?

A Notary public who is already in possession of a certificate for a particular area is validated to practice in the same area which he had applied for. He may apply for extension of his area. For this, the Notary public is to file the application along with fee to the appropriate government.

4. Renewal of certificate?

- The certificate of practice may be renewed for a further period of five years in the prescribed application along with the payment.

- Is he subject to Removal?

- The Government authority that appoints a notary can also remove from the same office by Section 4.


5. Does hold a Seal?

Every notary will have to have a circular seal of 5 cms, bearing his name, the name of the area in which he has been appointed to exercise his functions, his registration number and the and the circumscription NOTARY and the name of the Government appointed him as Notary.

6. What is Fee payable to Notary?

Rule 10 provides that every Notary shall not levy fees not exceeding the rates mentioned in the rule. For an example we take one of them:  For administering oath to, or taking affidavit form any person = Rs 35/-.

7. Does he hold a Register?

Every Notary shall maintain a Notarial register in From No. XV. Each activity is to be noted in the register along with the signature of the Notary. The register is subject to the inspection of District Judge or authorized officer by the Govt. not less than twice a year.

8. Who does he submit his Annual Return?

Every notary shall, in the first week of January every year, submit to the appropriate Government an Annual Return in Form XIV of the notarial acts done by him during the previous year.

Guidelines for Issuing Parochial Certificates ( Canon 535)

Parochial Registers and Certificates ( Canon 535)

The Canon strictly speaks of maintenance of the Parochial registers and the due care in the issuance of the certificates. And in the background of the Judiciary proceedings, the issuance of the parochial certificates face lots of care and diligence.

When a Certificate issued by the Parish Priest:

- When one partner requests for the marriage certificate, it is always better to demand for the application to the Parish Priest duly signed by both the partners. If one partner asks for it (in the case of divorce in the civil court) it is better to have a letter from the concerned lawyer.

- There should be the name of the archive on the certificate.

- There should be Ref. number of the concerned registry with year, month, and date;

- There should also be Ref. number of the concerned act done by the priest with Year, month, and date.

- It is always suggested to mention – it is VALID ONLY for the PURPOSE of ………. in the PRESENT certificate being issued on the certificate itself, otherwise there is chance of utilizing it for many acts in many long years coming ahead in the future.

- It is highly recommended not to submit any parochial register to any Judicial court but liable to demonstrate for verification on the proof of the fraud.

Monday 18 October 2021

Affidavit Formats for Bride and Spouse in Prenuptial Enquiry



We, Mr. ………………….…..….S/o Mr. ……………………..(late) and Mrs………………….(father’s family name) (late) aged/aged above ……….years, occupation is agricultural labor/profession of….., resident of………………….…….(v), ……………... (M) (Dt) AND Mrs. …………….…..(father’s family name) (late) D/o Mr.…………………....Mrs……………………(father’s family name) aged/aged above ………….years, occupation is agricultural labor/profession of……………...., resident of………………..….(v), …………..……… (M) ……………….. (Dt) do hereby affirm that:


1.  We are citizens of India. Our daughter Ms. ……………..……born to us on……………in the month of …….19…./20…. at ………………. (V)…………….…..(M)………..…..(Dt). The same stated above was registered in the registry of………..……..and thereby entered in Anganavadi/SSC/aadhaar/ with duly given Identity Number………..…… the respective authority.

2.   We have direct knowledge of our daughter Ms…………………...who was born to us, and we were in the state of legally married at the time of his birth.

3.  This affidavit is being submitted in support of the birth and parentage of our daughter Ms……….……

4.   We affirm under penalty of perjury and upon personal knowledge that the above statement and facts are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge in facilitating this information.

A. I, Ms………..………..D/o Mr…………..……..Mrs………………(Father’s family name) have NO marriage and matrimonial relationship with any one till now. This is my FIRST marriage.

B. I do hereby declare that the facts stated above are all true and correct to the best of my knowledge. And I permit the Law to take necessary legal action upon me, if any of my information stated above found false and incorrect.



                                                                                                                                Signature of the Party


                                                                                                                           Parents’ Signatures


Address of the Notary

I, Mr/Mrs…………………………Advocate and Notary, hereby certify that on this day of the date………..…… this month of……...20…..., the above signatories appeared before me and admitted that the facts stated above are true and correct. And they signed this document of affidavit in front of me.


Present Notarial Registry Ref:

Notarial Present Action Number and Date:

Notary Registration and Validity Date:

Area of Practice or If extension of Practice (CCG):

Signature of the Notary and Advocate                        


Notarial Seal


NOTE: Infront of the name of the woman there should be husband’s family name and there should be her father’s family name in the ( ) bracket followed by her name. (2) All the papers, along with main STAMP paper, should be affirmed by the NOTARIAL seal and SIGNATURE of the NOTARY.